The Crustaceans: I'm Happy If You're Happy

The Crustaceans are a Sydney pop band who have been around for a few years now. I've always liked them, but with so much coming out at the end of the calender year, their album I'm Happy If You're Happy, on got a few plays before I moved on, probably back to the Magic Numbers album or something. Sorry guys.
I finally got around to giving this album some time yesterday and just fell in love. It's almost alarmingly fun. It's pop, it's witty, it's catchy and it's clever. (Which is, of course, the worst thing about pop. It's rash-like qualities. And sometimes it's too smart arsey for it's own good.)
But the Crustaceans manage to avoid that. There is some nice stuff going on along with the silliness. And at least it's not po-faced songwriters with no humour. Telecaster, the first track, was a single, and I know it divided some people. It's clever, but it's also fun, a crazy fanatsy. Who else is writing songs like this? No one. That alone makes it special.
I'm just rambling here. But I really like this album. Their website seems to be down (redirecting to their label site?) and there are no upcoming gigs I can find. Oh well.
MP3: The Crustaceans - Telecaster
- From the album I'm Happy If You're Happy (Popboomerang, 2005)
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